- Background & Company Profile
- Terms and Conditions of Appointment of the Independent Directors
- Composition of various Committees of Board of Directors
- Code of Conduct of Board of Directors and Senior Management Personnel
- Details of establishment of Vigil Mechanism/ Whistle Blower policy
- Criteria of making payments to Non-Executive Directors
- Policy on dealing with Related Party Transactions
- Policy for determining Material subsidiaries
- Details of Familiarization Programmes imparted to Independent Directors
- The email address for grievance redressal and other relevant details
- Contact information of the Designated Officials who are responsible for assisting and handling Investor Grievances
- Notice of Meeting of the Board of Directors where financial results discussed
- Financial results, on conclusion of the meeting of the board of directors
- Annual Report including Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss account, Directors Report, Corporate Governance Report etc.
- Shareholding Pattern
- Audio or video recordings and transcripts
- Schedule of analysts or Institutional Investors Meet and Presentations
- Items as per sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 47 [Newspaper Advertisement].
- Credit Ratings
- Separate audited financial statements of each subsidiary of the listed entity in respect of a relevant financial year
- Secretarial Compliance Report under Regulation 24A.
- Policy on Materiality for Disclosure of Events to the Stock Exchanges
- Contact details of Key Managerial Personnel who are authorized for the purpose of determining materiality of an event
- Disclosures under Sub-Regulation (8) of Regulation 30 [Others]
- Statements of deviation(s) or variation(s) as specified in regulation 32 of these regulations
- Dividend Distribution Policy
- Annual Return as provided under Section 92 of the Companies Act, 2013